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Practicing Manual Mode In the Garden

Top B&W & color photo:
6.3 Ap & 1/100 speed
Hand cupping chin: 3.5 Ap & 1/80 speed
Arm reaching: 7.1 Ap & 1/100 speed
Spaghetti Sauce face Bottom: 5.6 Ap & 1/100 speed

I usually shoot in AV: Aperture Priority, but this time as I did that I saw my shutter speed go crazy to 1/1000 super fast & I was not getting enough light. I was confused because before my speed was usually 1/60 and would adjust fine. So I decided to go MANUAL. I have shot manual film 35mm for many years, but feel a little rusty. All of these images needed more light in post editing. I still need to learn how I can correct the white balance on my camera as I am shooting. I would prefer to get all lighting right as I am shooting rather then depend on Photo Shop to make even minor adjustments.